Busy soccer mom talking on the phone

When I talk with families in the office about healthy eating, one of the most common things I hear from parents is that they genuinely want to feed their kids right, but they’re just too busy.

In episode two of Eat Your Greens with Dr. Black, I share some of the tips that I have learned from 20 years of conversations with parents and my own experience as a full-time working mom that busy families can use to avoid resorting to fast food.
You will learn how to plan ahead and stay organized by using technology like a meal planning app, reduce time spent on grocery shopping, how to put meal prep to work, and how to avoid the drive-through on those extra busy days.
Get 20% off your subscription to the Plan To Eat meal planning app:

For resources related to a plant-based diet or if you struggle to afford healthy food for your family, please go to eatgreenswithdrblack.com/resources.

You can contact Dr. Black at eatgreenswithdrblack.com/about
I am happy to answer general questions related to the information presented on this podcast. Be advised that I will never offer specific medical advice via this website, even if your child is an established patient in my practice. If you have concerns about your child’s health or growth, please contact their doctor.

Thanks for listening and don’t forget to Eat Your Greens!

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