Image of dog with tongue out to lick something. Caption reads Eat Your Greens with Dr. Black; Taste Bud Trivia: Fun Fact Edition.

🥦👶🏼 Want to why kids often dislike veggies and how your sense of taste changes over time? 🦠👄 Did you know the bacteria in your mouth can affect how you perceive flavors?  ✈️🍅 Wonder why tomato juice tastes better on a plane? It’s not just you! Find out the science behind this phenomenon and many more fascinating facts about the sense of taste in the latest Small Bite Fun Fact episode on Eat Your Greens! 🎙️🌿  

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I am happy to answer general questions related to the information presented on this podcast.  Be advised that I will never offer specific medical advice via this website, even if your child is an established patient in my practice. If you have concerns about your child’s health or growth, please contact their doctor.

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